HPE DEV Hack Shack

Hack Shack website Each year, HPE holds its Discover conference. I've had the fortune of contributing to three Discovers for the HPE DEV program. Each year I've made it a goal to outdo the prior year's Discover execution.

Leading up to Discover '19, it was up to me to re-imagine the booth space, lead the content creation, and stand up the technical infrastructure to support the activities. I delivered an innovative space where participants could join technicals talks about HPE's open source offerings, participate in code challenges for great prizes, or play our custom-built game, Hack Shack Attack. To keep attendees and the broader community informed about our Hack Shack activities we launched the Hack Shack website.

Hack Shack Attack! game

Crafting the space required brushing up on my SketchUp skills to deliver the room specs to our build teams.

Hack Shack 3d mock

As a result of delivering a truly innovative experience for conference-goers, the Hack Shack received the highest attendance and rating when compared to the other conference booths. A true win for the HPE DEV program and its team.